Saturday, 30 January 2010


Dear Reader,

This being my first ever blog; I find myself unsure of where to begin. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm George Neilson, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Scotland. I have a few hobbies, all of which I'm attempting to find time to pursue. Photography, Tennis and Reading.

I have been inspired to start a blog, and to relay my life to both the world and you by the sudden death of a rather important man in my life. J.D Salinger. The American author who effected the world so hugely with his manuscripts. He has been a rather important role model to me throughout my life, and I find myself referring to "The Catcher in the Rye" just as much as my friends are referring to "Harry Potter". The world has truly been affected by Salinger's work and his memory will live on through his books.

I'm not wanting to maintain this heavy tone throughout the rest of my "blogging", (if that is the correct term), as I'm really a light hearted type of person. My life has just begun to become busy at the moment. I'm in my final year of school and work is through the roof! Exams... probably the most hated word throughout the under 18 minority! I'm hoping that through this blog I can release the stress that has been building steadily for the past few weeks, and hopefully, find salvation in writing... much like Salinger.

I would say I am proud to be different. I'm not your bog standard teenager to say the least. Media these days really does portray my generation negatively; and I think I understand why. Negative behaviour = Media attention. Never once have I seen a teenager on the news for doing something positive. It's always alcohol this, drugs that and of course the huge problem of teenage pregnancies! They don't write stories on people who are positive, teenagers who work for a charity or have a real passion for what they do. No. We become obsolete very quickly in the media's eyes.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts; hopefully you will have found something to relate to in what I write.


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